123456Sold13 Gladstone Street Warrnambool VIC 3280Sold for Contact Us3 Bed1 Bath2 CarDanny HarrisProfile0497 343 632danny@harriswood.com.auInspectionInspectionView floorplanStatement of InformationEnquire about this propertySold Off-Market.PropertyFirst NameLast NameContact NumberEmail AddressYour MessageSend EnquirySold13 Gladstone Street Warrnambool VIC 3280Interested in this property?Make an enquiry with us.Sold Previous Listing304 Merri Crescent Warrnambool VIC 3280Sold for Contact Us3 Bed2 Bath2 CarNext Listing 12 McPherson Crescent Warrnambool VIC 3280$160,000 - $175,000